setelah jalan jalan di android market ehh. nemu aplikasi foto edit yg lumayan bagus dan membingungkan nih....
maklum bingung karena banyaknya pilihan edit baik secara online maupun offline... salah satu applikasi yg ku suka di dalamnya adalah adanya aplikasi drawing. di mana kita dapat menambahkan tulisan atau efek visual pada foto .
- Picture editor -
Tons of photo filters, collage, frames, stickers, text
effects, clipart graphics, crop, rotate, adjust color and add artistic
-Magic effects -
awesome artistic photo effects such as Stenciler,
Cartoonizer, Sketcher, Orton, Lomo, Vintage, Cross Process, HDR,
Fattal, Pencil, Holgaart, Watercolor, Sketcher, Contours, Comic,
Neon, Gouache, Old Paper, Pastel, Red Eye Remover, Holgaart,
Popart 2, Smart Blur, Face Fix, Color Splash and more!
- Many drawing effects, draw sticker mode, callouts, Artistic
brushes and text styles! Draw on your Facebook friend's photos
and share your artwork with World!
quickly share with family and friends in PicsArt social network or by posting / uploading photos on Facebook wall,
Flickr, Picasa, Dropbox, Fouresquare, Tumblr, Blogger and Wordpress or send photos by kand email.
- based on PicsIn network, one of the most popular
mobile picture sharing networks.
Camera - enables you to take a picture and apply various effects
by enhancing standard Camera.
penasaran ingin mencoba ??
download picsart
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